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Marketing for Creatives Show | Marketing Tips for Creative Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

May 31, 2018

Ep #55: There are small things that will increase your conversion. For example, your 5 seconds of Facebook video ads are the most important one. You need to get people's attention right away or they will leave.

We’ll talk about what to put there and what don’t include. And there are many more things to improve.


May 28, 2018

Ep #54: Working on your own is always challenging. You never know what can happen. From the small things such as when clients cancel the appointment or you got sick and out of the business for some time to the really big problems.

In this episode, Melissa Agnes shares how to handle difficult situations in business and...

May 24, 2018

Ep #53: Have you been in the situation when you tell your client all good things about your service or product, put an effort in reaching them over and over, but in the end, they say they can’t afford it?

Or you can sell the work you don’t really like, but the one you like to do you offer for a low price?

And there...

May 21, 2018

Ep #52: It's much easier when other media share about you instead of you talking about how good you are. Different media already communicate with your audience and potential customers.

Our today’s guest went all the way from nobody to recognized expert using media.

He will share with you how to craft a press kit that...

May 17, 2018

Ep #51: If you used Twitter or Facebook you may think that Instagram is as easy as those two platforms, but in fact, it has its own nuances. When you do things right, you get the results with Instagram.

In this episode, Jenn Herman shares an Instagram marketing strategy that works.

We will talk about the hashtag...