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Marketing for Creatives Show | Marketing Tips for Creative Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

Apr 27, 2020

Ep #155: To sell something for $100 is easy, but then the higher the price you offer the more uncomfortable you feel, and also some people are concerned about earning a lot.

Let’s get into that money myth and see how you can increase your prices and earn what you really want.

In this episode, Michelle Lynne shares why...

Apr 20, 2020

Ep #154: Who would know that such things as pandemics will hit the world? So many entrepreneurs experience a difficult time right now. But every crisis leads to at least two options you can complain and cry about the losses or take your time to calm down and get into the new game of entrepreneurship being...

Apr 13, 2020

Ep #153: Our today’s guest within about half of the year exponentially grew his personal brand on LinkedIn and as you will listen, you’ll know that he didn’t have any experience in doing that, had to overcome his anxiety of filming himself and learn the technical part.

It was challenging, but all manageable for a...

Apr 6, 2020

Ep #152: How good it is when someone refers you to a new client who more likely will buy from you. The most common situation that comes to mind is a word of mouth marketing. But today we’ll talk about more than that.

You’ll know what is and what isn’t a referral, how to find people who will refer others to you,...